by Karen Harding
22 Mar, 2022
An Art Installation I have been working with a most delightful artists, David Brognon and Stéphanie Rollin. David wanted me to write a phrase in shorthand, but it had to be in French! The beauty of shorthand is that it is phonetic - you write what you hear. He very kindly sent me a photograph - isn't it absolutely fantastic! David Brognon & Stéphanie Rollin Nous allons observer une minute de silence, 2016 Blue Neon 500 x 30 cm Trad: Tracey Jennings Unique Edition It's hanging on "place d'armes" in Luxembourg-city centre. I am credited on the exhibition for the traduction. The neon may move to Lyon on France after the show. I have done the same sentence in other languages and David and Stéphanie plan to produce them in a smaller size. One will be show in ArtBrussels in April, and the Arabic version in a French museum in September.